Table 4. Individual variable names and descriptions used in species models.

Variable Name Definition
WHR type (Number)
1 Alpine-Dwarf Shrub percentage within a 1km radius
2 Agriculture percentage within a 1km radius
3 Annual Grassland percentage within a 1km radius
4 Alkali Desert Scrub percentage within a 1km radius
5 Aspen percentage within a 1km radius
6 Barren percentage within a 1km radius
7 Bitterbrush percentage within a 1km radius
8 Blue Oak-Foothill Pine percentage within a 1km radius
9 Blue Oak Woodland percentage within a 1km radius
10 Coastal Oak Woodland percentage within a 1km radius
11 Closed-Cone Pine-Cypress percentage within a 1km radius
12 Chamise-Redshank Chaparral percentage within a 1km radius
13 Coastal Scrub percentage within a 1km radius
14 Douglas-Fir percentage within a 1km radius
15 Desert Riparian percentage within a 1km radius
16 Desert Scrub percentage within a 1km radius
17 Desert Succulent Shrub percentage within a 1km radius
18 Desert Wash percentage within a 1km radius
19 Eastside Pine percentage within a 1km radius
20 Estuarine percentage within a 1km radius
21 Freshwater Emergent W percentage within a 1km radiusetland
22 Jeffrey Pine percentage within a 1km radius
23 Joshua Tree percentage within a 1km radius
24 Juniper percentage within a 1km radius
25 Klamath Mixed Conifer percentage within a 1km radius
26 Lacustrine percentage within a 1km radius
27 Lodgepole Pine percentage within a 1km radius
28 Low Sage percentage within a 1km radius
29 Marine percentage within a 1km radius
30 Mixed Chaparral percentage within a 1km radius
31 Montane Chaparral percentage within a 1km radius
32 Montane Hardwood-Conifer percentage within a 1km radius
33 Montane Hardwood percentage within a 1km radius
34 Montane Riparian percentage within a 1km radius
35 Perennial Grassland percentage within a 1km radius
36 Pinyon-Juniper percentage within a 1km radius
37 Palm Oasis percentage within a 1km radius
38 Ponderosa Pine percentage within a 1km radius
39 Riverine percentage within a 1km radius
40 Redwood percentage within a 1km radius
41 Red Fir percentage within a 1km radius
42 Subalpine Conifer percentage within a 1km radius
43 Saline Emergent Wetland percentage within a 1km radius
44 Sagebrush percentage within a 1km radius
45 Sierran Mixed Conifer percentage within a 1km radius
46 Urban percentage within a 1km radius
47 Valley Oak Woodland percentage within a 1km radius
48 Valley Foothill Riparian percentage within a 1km radius
49 Water percentage within a 1km radius
50 White Fir percentage within a 1km radius
51 Wet Meadow percentage within a 1km radius
52 Unknown Shrub Type percentage within a 1km radius
53 Unknown Conifer Type percentage within a 1km radius
54 Pasture percentage within a 1km radius
55 Eucalyptus percentage within a 1km radius
DENS_INTER Linear density of intermittent streams in m/km2
DENS_PEREN Linear density of perenial streams in m/km2
DENS_CANAL Linear density of canals in m/km2
DIST_EMERG Straight line distance to nearest emergent wetland habitat
DIST_LAKES Straight line distance to nearest lake
DIST_STREAM Straight line distance to nearest intermittent or perenial stream
DIST_CANAL Straight line distance to nearest canal
PT_1-12 Monthly (1-12) precipitation normals for 1971-2000
TTMIN_1-12 Average monthly (1-12) minimum temerature for 1971-2000
TTMAX_1-12 Average monthly (1-12) maximum temerature for 1971-2000
ten9_urban Combined WHR vegetation types classified as urban
ten8_wetland Combined WHR vegetation types classified as wetland
ten7_water Combined WHR vegetation types classified as water
ten6_conifer Combined WHR vegetation types classified as coniferous forest
ten5_barren Combined WHR vegetation types classified as barren
ten4_hardwood Combined WHR vegetation types classified as hardwood forest
ten3_desert Combined WHR vegetation types classified as desert
ten2_herba Combined WHR vegetation types classified as herbacious
ten1_agric Combined WHR vegetation types classified as agriculture
ten0_shrub Combined WHR vegetation types classified as shrubland
SLOPE_DEM_ Degree of slope
ELEVATION_ Elevation in meters
P_ORCHARD Percent orchard field within a 1 km radius
P_RICE Percent rice field within a 1 km radius
P_PASTURE Percent pasture within a 1 km radius
P_URBAN Percent urban land within a 1 km radius
P_VINEYARD Percent vineyard within a 1 km radius
P_IDLE Percent idle cropland within a 1 km radius
P_FIELDCROP Percent of all combined fieldcrops within a 1 km radius
P_5KFIELDCROP Percent of all combined fieldcrops within a 5 km radius
P_5KANNUAL Percent annual grassland within a 1 km radius
P_EMERGWET Percent emergent wetland habitat within a 1 km radius
P_LAKES Percent lacustrine habitat within a 1 km radius
whr10 All combined WHR habitat types
whrnum All individual WHR habitat types
hu_eco_union1 Variable delineating the study area