• Predicted Species Distributions using Maxent

    Check box to see map,
    click species name for Maxent model output. For a lookup table of individual variable names and descriptions, click here.

    Download the map grids here.

    Oak Woodland
    Acorn Woodpecker
    Ash-throated Flycatcher
    Lark Sparrow
    Nuttall's Woodpecker
    Oak Titmouse
    Western Bluebird
    Yellow-billed Magpie
    Burrowing Owl
    Northern Harrier
    Western Meadowlark
    Riparian and Wetland
    Black-headed Grosbeak
    Blue Grosbeak
    Common Yellowthroat
    Song Sparrow
    Spotted Towhee
    Swainson's Hawk
    Tricolored Blackbird
    Yellow-breasted Chat
    Yellow Warbler
    Summary Data
    Oak Woodland Species
    Grassland Species
    Riparian Species
    All Bird Species of Special Concern (BSSC)
    Lip Final Report
    Habitat Suitability Indexes
    Estimated Mean Densities
    Modeling Methods
    Click on the map to get a brief data summary for that point and points nearby. Use the polygon tool above to get a data summary for a larger region.